Ihad come across this recipe from one of my friends mom.She made this for lunch accompanied by rice.The shallots gives an extra taste for the recipe.If you wish you can add the big onions also but the taste of shallots would be more outspeaking.
Also the seasoning or the tadka also enhances the taste of the curry.

  • Beetroot                               1big
  • Sambar onion                       3-4nos
  • Garlic                                   3cloves
  • Ginger                                  a small slice
  • Salt                                       for taste
  • Pepper powder                     1teaspn
  • Red chillies                          2nos
  • Mustard seeds                     1tbspn
  • Cumin seeds                        1/2teaspn
  • Curry leaves                        1/2cup
  • Curd                                    1cup

Chop up the beetroot roughly and in a mixer grind up together the beetroot,small onions,garlic,ginger, salt, pepper powder and water to a fine paste.(make sure that there are no pieces of beetroot in the grinded portion)
Transfer this to a bowl and add curd to it and mix well.
Now go with the seasoning.
Heat oil in a pan and add in the mustard seeds,cumin seeds,curry leaves and red chillies and sauté well and transfer this to the beetroot curd mix and mix up gently.
Serve them


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