
  1. Prawns                                                1kg
  2. Basmathi rice                                       3cups
  3. Onions                                                4nos
  4. Ginger garlic paste                               11/2tbsps
  5. Coriander leaves                                  1 cup
  6. Mint leaves                                          1/2cup
  7. Turmeric powder                                 1/2teaspoon
  8. Corriander powder                              1/2tbsps
  9. Chilli   powder                                     1/4 tbsps
  10. Green chillies                                        4big
  11. Cardomon powder                               1/2tbsps
  12. Cinnamon                                             1/2tbsps
  13. Poppy seeds  (kuskus)                          1/2tbsps
  14. Fennel seeds(perum jeerakam)              3/4tbsps
  15. Nutmeg                                                 a pinch
  16. Cloves                                                  1/2tbsps
  17. Salt                                                       as per taste
  18. Ghee                                                     1/2cup
  19. Kismis & cashews                                 1/2cup
  20. Oil                                                        for frying
  21. Water                                                   5cups
  22. Lemon juice                                         1/2cup


For the rice

Heat ghee  in a vessel,put in the drained rice and stir it well. Now add in 5cups of water and salt and let it cook.

For the masala
Marinate the prawns with turmeric powder,chilli powder and salt & let it rest for 15mins.Now heat oil  in a pan add in the marinated prawns and fry them lightly and keep it aside.Add in the onions,gingergarlic paste,1/2of the grinded coriander & mint leaves,grounded spices,chilli powder,turmeric powder,corriander powder,salt, etc and saute it well. Now add in the fried prawns and cook it for a few minutes.

For layering

Take a thick bottomed vessel layer it with half the prawn masala, over that put some cooked rice and spread it evenly.Now smear some ghee,chopped mint and corriander leaves, lemon juice and the cashew & kismis .Repeat this process again and cover it with a lid and keep it in a low flame for about 10mins.Now switch off the fire and let it set for half an hour without opening the lid.After half an hour remove the lid and stir it well so that the masala may turn upside down.Serve it hot.


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