1.Chicken finely chopped                                                                 250gms
2.Onions                                                                                            2big(finely chopped)
3.Ginger & garlic(chopped)                                                              1/2tbsps
4.Green chillies                                                                                    2-3nos
5.Curry leaves,corriander leaves                                                       1cup  
6.Water                                                                                              for cooking
7.Turmeric powder                                                                            1/2teaspn
8.Chilli powder                                                                                  1/2tbspn
9.Garam masala                                                                                 1/2teaspn
10.Salt                                                                                               as required
11.Oil                                                                                                for frying
12.Egg                                                                                              3nos
13.Sugar                                                                                           1tbspn
14. Cardamon                                                                                   2nos
15.Maida                                                                                          1cups
16.Wheat                                                                                          1/2cup

    Saute well the onions,ginger garlic paste,curry leaves,corriander leaves and green chillies with turmeric powder,chilli powder etc. Now add in the chicken pieces,salt and waterand let it cook.
              Make a dough with maida,wheat,luke warm water and salt (as for puris).Make small balls with the dough and flatten them( as for puris). Now add in the filling to this and cover it with another rolled up puri flip it and fold up the sides with a touch of water as it should not get opened up.Heat oil in a frying pan and deep fry the same.Continue the process for all the puris.
                    In another bowl mix egg,sugar and cardomon. Dip in the fried puris in this and heat it up on both sides in a hot tawa.



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