Being one of my favourite bakery item during my childhood days,i was so so so happy to bake it in my own kitchen.I never knew that i could make them one fine day.When i baked them it gave me the exact  taste but even more of what i had before.I was overjoyed when i fed my kid these rolls,she was just sitting and licking up the jam over it.
This simple recipe would definetly help you people to enjoy and serve others.

  • All purpose flour                      1/2cup
  • Eggs                                          4nos
  • Sugar                                        3/4cup
  • Vanilla essence                        1/4tspn
  • Powdered sugar                        2tbspn
  • Salt                                           1/4tspn
  • Pineapple jam                          1/2cup
  • Mixed fruit jam                        1/2cup

Separate egg whites and yolks in 2different bowls.
Using an electric blender blend together egg yolks, and 1/2cup sugar.To this add in vanilla essence and beat again for 1min.
In a large bowl add in flour,to this add in the beaten egg yolk mixture and mix gently with a spatula.

Now in the bowl with egg whites,beat them well with an electric beater to a thick foam.To this add in remaining 1/4cup ofsugar and beat again to a stiff form.
Now transfer them slowly to the maida mixture and stir simultaneously until well combined.But make sure you do not over mix them.

Take a greased rectangular shaped oven tray and pour the batter gently to it.

Preheat the oven at 180deg and place the tray to it.Let this bake for 25-30mins or until a tooth pick inserted comes out clean.Remove from the oven and let this cool.When its cooled with the help of a knife gently run through the edges of the cake and flip them to a plate.

Then dust them with powdered sugar and place on a silver foil/parchment paper and roll them gently inwards and seal up the sides.Place this in refrigerator for about 1/2 hour.

Then remove the foil and keep the cake flat again and spread  mixed fruit jam over it.Above it you can spread pineapple jam also.You can opt for only one jam according to your wish,as i was having both the jams and was looking out for a small twist in colour and taste i opted for both.
Roll the cake again and spread the jams over it also and sprinkle some powdered sugar over it.

Refigerate this again for another 1hour and cut them in circles and serve.


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