
Banana(nendran)                           3nos
Eggs                                             5nos
Sugar                                           4tbspn
Ghee                                            2tbspn
Cardamon powder                      1teaspn
Raisins and cashews                    1/4cup

  • Peal the bananas and cut them into small triangular pieces.
  • In a pan heat ghee and roast the bananas well then add cashews and raisins and roast again.
  • Let this cool.
  • In a mixer grind the granulated sugar with cardamom to a fine form then add eggs and grind again.
  • Transfer this to a bowl
  • Put the cooled roasted bananas to the bowl and mix again.Keep this aside for about 10mins.
  • In a nonstick vessel smear some ghee all over and pour the egg,banana mix into it.
  • Keep a dosa pan on fire and place the nonstick vessel containing the egg and banana mix over it and keep it on a low flame for about 15-20mins or untill the pola once inserted with a tooth pick comes out clean and the sides of the pola starts leaving out of the pan.
  • When its done switch off the flame and let it cool
  • Now flip the pola to the dosa pan and keep on a low flame for about 2mins and then transfer them to a serving plate.


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