This is a special Malabar dish mostly famous amongst the Muslim community. It is a special Ramadan dish also.
This was suggested to me by one of my neighbours in calicut.Before that i was quite unaware of such a recipe. I tried it out one day and was so very excited when it turned out to be really soft and perfect and importantly it didn't get burnt up also. I was trying to take photos of this and after seeing my excitement, my baby was also excited and started snatching it from the plate.

  • Apple                                   1big
  • Eggs                                     2nos
  • Sugar                                   2tbspn
  • Cardamon powder              1tbspn
  • Milk                                    1/4cup
  • Ghee                                   1tbspn
In a mixer grind the apple,eggs,sugar,milk,cardamon powder etc one by one.

Take a nonstick vessel( 4-6inch diameter) grease it well with ghee and transfer the apple-egg mix to it.

Place a dosa pan on low fire and above it keep the nonstick vessel with apple egg mix and let it cook for about 10mins or until when you prick it comes out clean and the sides of the pola gets loosened out from the vessel.

 When it gets cooled up flip it to the dosa pan and keep on low flame for about 2mins and flip them again to another plate and cut into desired shapes and serve it.


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