I had a lot of bananas back home as it was being bought for my baby who is 7mths old and being feeded her daily with these bananas even she got bored and never ate the rest.So i was wondering daily what  to do with these bananas so i came up with this idea.
When finally i made it,it was really yummy and my little one also enjoyed having it from our bowls.So it was one of the most happiest days for me as i was able to satisfy not only my husband but also my tiny one.


Banana   (Big)                                 3nos(ripe)
Jaggery                                            11/4cups(crushed)
Coconut milk             
1st milk                           1cup
2ndmilk                          2cups                              
Coconut pieces(thenga kotthu)        1/2cup
Cashews and kismis                         1/2cup
Cardomon (pounded)                       1teaspn
Water                                                2cups

  • Boil the banana well.Cut away the black portion of the banana  and mash it in the grinder.
  • Keep water to boil in a vessel and add in the jaggery to it to form a syrup. Strain this out to a pan.Then transfer the grinded banana to the jaggery syrup and stir continuosly on a low flame.

  •  When it starts reducing its volume add in the 2nd milk to it and stir continuosly to a thick form
  • Add in Ghee to this and stir again
  • Now add in the 1st milk ,fried coconut pieces,cardamon,cashew and kismis and turn off the flame.

Now PAZHAM PRADAMAN is ready to be served.


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