No bake chocolate biscuit cake

  1. Digestive biscuits.           280gms
  2. Coco powder.                  1/2 cup
  3. Sugar.                              1cup
  4. Vanilla essence.               a drop
  5. Butter.                              150gms
  6. Fresh cream.                    1/2cup
  7. Cooking chocolate.         1/4cup

To a large bowl crush biscuits and keep aside.

To another bowl add in sugar and Coco powder and mix well, to this add in about 1cup of water and mix until no crumbs.

Let this cool and transfer them to crushed biscuit  and mix well.
Transfer this to a deep tin and refrigerate for about 30 mins.

Meanwhile pour the fresh cream to a bowl and microwave for 1minute. When it's hot add the cooking chocolate and stir until melted. Take the biscuit base from fridge and pour the chocolate mixture over it and spread evenly. Toast some nuts and sprinkle over it.  Refrigerate this again and cut into slices and serve.


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