Mango,semiya payasam

  1. Mango.                    1no big
  2. Semiya.                   1/2cup
  3. Sabudhana.            1/2cup
  4. Sugar .                     1cup
  5. Milk .                        1ltr
  6. Condensed milk.  4tbspn
  7. Nuts .                       1/4cup

Soak Sabudhana in water for 1hour.Boil milk in a large vessel.To this add soaked and drained Sabudhana and stir gently. Let this cook. To this add in roasted Semiya and let them also cook. Finally add in sugar and condensed milk and stir again. Now switch off the flame and let it cool completely. Meanwhile peel the mango and grind it to a smooth paste.

Pour this puree to the cooled Semiya mixture and stir gently. But make sure that the milk is completely cooled otherwise it may curdle. Even if it's lightly hot also don't transfer the puree to it.


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