Gooseberry pickle

  1. Gooseberry                           1/2kg
  2. Chili powder                          2tbsp
  3. Turmeric powder                  a pinch
  4. Mustard seeds                     1tbspn
  5. Fenugreek seeds                 1/2teaspoon
  6. Curry leaves                          1sprig
  7. Vinegar                                   2cups
  8. Mustard oil                            2tbsp
  9. Salt                                       as required

Wash up the gooseberry and clean them with a dry towel to get rid of any water content.

Place them in steamer to get them cooked lightly. Remove them and again clean them with a towel and chop them to small pieces.

In a pan drop in oil, crackle mustard seeds,curry leaves and fenugreek seeds. Switch off the flame and immediately add in chilli powder,turmeric powder,salt and roast lightly. To this goes in 1cup of vinegar and mix. Finally add in the chopped gooseberries and mix well until the masala gets well coated with gooseberry. Once they are cooled transfer them to clean glass bottles and pour in more vinegar if needed.


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