For mango layer
  1. Mango                           1medium sized and medium ripe
  2. Sugar                              4tbsp
  3. Lemon juice                    2tspn
  4. Gelatin                                11/2tbsp
  5. Cold water                        3tbspn

Soak gelatin in cold water
Cut the mangoes and grind them in a mixer without any water.
Transfer this to a non stick pan kept on fire and stir them gently, add in sugar and lemon juice and whisk until it gets dissolved. Finally add in gelatin to this mixture and let it boil. 

Now switch off the flame and let it cool down to room temperature, transfer these to small bowls or ramekins and keep refrigerated for about 1hr or until set
For milk layer
  1. Milk                                2cups
  2. Sugar                              5tbspn
  3. Vanilla essence             1/2tsp
  4. Gelatin                            2tbsp
  5. Cold water                       4tbsp

Soak gelatin in cold water
Heat milk in a vessel,to this add in sugar and vanilla essence and stir lightly,then add in soaked gelatin and whisk, switch off the flame and let this cool.
Now pour these over the refrigerated mango layer which is almost firm.Refrigerate this again for another 3hrs.
When it's fully set serve them on plates or you can serve them directly in the bowls.
While transferring it to plates just run a knife around the bowl so you can easily flip them to plates.


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