Grape pudding

1St layer
Black seedless grapes.       500gms
Sugar.                                    11/2cup
Water.                                    1/4cup
Gelatin                                    3tbspn
Water                                     3tbspn

Keep a pan on flame and boil together above ingredients to a thick syrup. Once cooled transfer them to a mixer and grind lightly. Now transfer this to a bowl using a strainer.
Soak gelatin in cold water and transfer them to the grape syrup. Stir this well. With help of a seive pour the jelly to pudding tray and refrigerate until set/firm.

2nd layer
Fresh cream.                  200ml
Milkmaid.                       1/2tin
Grape syrup.                 1cup
Gelatin.                           1tbspn

Beat together fresh cream and milkmaid until thick. Transfer this to grape syrup and stir. Finally add in soaked gelatin and stir. Through a strainer transfer this again to a bowl. Now slowly with the help of a spoon pour it over the set 1st layer. Refrigerate this back overnight. Serve them


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