Wow this starter was something which we really relished.The sauce which coated the strips was the best part of the dish.The bitter and spicy combination added a lot to its flavour.Even though i had tried frying the strips withe egg maida batter ,this was the first time which i gave a quick twist to the recipe.The strips has to be fried up in low flame as the chicken is also uncooked,so it may take a few extra minutes to be done.Here i have used salted butter for the sauce,if you wish you can use unsalted butter and add a pinch of salt to the sauce. I would just suggest all to go for a try as the materials are easily available back home and the sauce is also quite easy to make ,unlike the restaurant based sauces.This gave the taste of some dishes we had from a few chinese restaurants around. Chicken(boneless cut into strips) 150gms Pepper powder ...